Pelvic Health Academy

Delivering high quality, evidence-based education, support, and mentorship

Launched in January 2022, the Pelvic Health Academy brings together a wealth of experience of
delivering training in Pelvic Health from undergraduate education to Masters’ level programmes. 
The Pelvic Health Academy will focus on all aspects of Pelvic Health including
urological, urogynaecological and lower bowel dysfunction as well as perinatal pelvic health, including
musculoskeletal dysfunction, providing evidenced based education. 
Founder Julia Herbert (Director) has worked with Teresa Cook (Lead tutor) to develop the first
courses for the Pelvic Health Academy. These bespoke training courses have been delivered as part
of the NHS England Perinatal Pelvic Health project and now form the entry level courses in the The Pelvic
Health Academy course program. The Pelvic Health Academy will also offer ongoing support to 
clinicians working in Pelvic Health through mentorship sessions with experienced clinicians and our
free to join “Friends of the Pelvic Health Academy” which will provide news about useful events and
other training opportunities. 


"The Academy offers a range of entry level and advancing practice courses, in addition, it can develop bespoke courses for a specific audience and is able to adapt to the size of audience and course content"


Courses will be delivered at a range of venues around the United Kingdom. Course venues will provide both theoretical and clinical teaching spaces.
Click below to see a range of forthcoming courses.

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To grow the pelvic health community, the Pelvic Health Academy has created a Friends of the Pelvic Health Academy. It’s free to become a Friend of the Pelvic Health Academy and once you have joined the Pelvic Health Academy we will use your contact details to let you know about forthcoming training courses, free webinars and news about conferences and events related to pelvic health. 

If you would like to become a ‘friend’ of the Pelvic Health Academy click below. 


The Pelvic Health Academy currently have 3 courses for physiotherapists :-

Pelvic floor assessment: urogynaecological dysfunction – an introductory level programme

Pelvic floor assessment: lower bowel dysfunction – an introductory level programme

Musculoskeletal assessment and rehabilitation: pregnancy-related lumbo-pelvic dysfunction – an introductory level programme

Further courses will be released over the coming months – sign up to be a Friend of the Pelvic Health Academy to receive information about future courses


Wish you could get some support to help with a complex Pelvic Health patient, would like to talk to a specialist about an area of Pelvic Health or about your career development. If you are a physiotherapist, nurse or midwife why not book a 1 hour mentoring session (by telephone or online) with one of the Pelvic Health Academy tutors. To find out more about our mentoring support or to book a mentoring session please click below

Julia Herbert

 Julia is a highly specialised and experienced physiotherapist in Pelvic Health with over 35 years’ experience, working across the NHS, private and commercial sectors. Her passion is to be able to share her knowledge and skills to educate and support health professionals in Pelvic Health, including those new to this speciality and those wishing to advance their basic skills

Teresa Cook

 Joining Julia as Lead Tutor at the Pelvic Health Academy is Teresa, who has over 30 years’ experience as a pelvic health physiotherapist. Teresa has worked across a range of sectors and brings a unique skillset of a high level of clinical, educational and professional regulatory knowledge to the training and support available from the Pelvic Health Academy

" I have worked with Teresa and Julia for a number of years in an academic environment. I have to say their commitment to providing a supportive learning environment is second to none. They are driven by raising standards of care, knowledge and clinical practice in Pelvic Health. They are always enthusiastic, knowledgeable, responsive and inclusive. I am happy to continue working with them as they launch this exciting new venture and wish them every success! "
Cathy Carus
Assistant Professor & Post Graduate Programme Lead Faculty of Health Studies/School of AHP & Midwifery University of Bradford